
class osm_field.fields.LatitudeField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.db.models.fields.FloatField

Bases: django.db.models.FloatField

All default field options.

The validators parameter will be appended with validate_latitude() if not already present.

Returns:A FloatField with max_value 90 and min_value -90.
class osm_field.fields.Location(lat, lon, text)

Bases: object

A wrapper class bundling the description of a location (text) and its geo coordinates, latitude (lat) and longitude (lon).

  • lat (float) – The latitude
  • lon (float) – The longitude
  • str – The description
class osm_field.fields.LongitudeField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.db.models.fields.FloatField

Bases: django.db.models.FloatField

All default field options.

The validators parameter will be appended with validate_longitude() if not already present.

Returns:A FloatField with max_value 180 and min_value -180.
class osm_field.fields.OSMField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.db.models.fields.TextField

Bases: django.db.models.TextField

  • lat_field (str) – The name of the latitude field. None (and thus standard behavior) by default.
  • lon_field (str) – The name of the longitude field. None (and thus standard behavior) by default.

All default field options.

contribute_to_class(cls, name)

Register the field with the model class it belongs to.

If private_only is True, create a separate instance of this field for every subclass of cls, even if cls is not an abstract model.


Return enough information to recreate the field as a 4-tuple:

  • The name of the field on the model, if contribute_to_class() has been run.
  • The import path of the field, including the class:e.g. django.db.models.IntegerField This should be the most portable version, so less specific may be better.
  • A list of positional arguments.
  • A dict of keyword arguments.

Note that the positional or keyword arguments must contain values of the following types (including inner values of collection types):

  • None, bool, str, int, float, complex, set, frozenset, list, tuple, dict
  • UUID
  • datetime.datetime (naive),
  • top-level classes, top-level functions - will be referenced by their full import path
  • Storage instances - these have their own deconstruct() method

This is because the values here must be serialized into a text format (possibly new Python code, possibly JSON) and these are the only types with encoding handlers defined.

There’s no need to return the exact way the field was instantiated this time, just ensure that the resulting field is the same - prefer keyword arguments over positional ones, and omit parameters with their default values.

Returns:A OSMFormField with a OSMWidget.

The name of the related LatitudeField.


The name of the related LongitudeField.